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경희대학교 경희대학교

About Kyung Hee



History 1999-1990
1999 11. 02 Kyung Hee is authorized to establish graduate schools.
- Professional schools: Graduate School of East-West Medicine Science, Asia-Pacific International
Graduate School, Graduate School of Information and Telecommunication.
- Specialized schools: Graduate School of NGO Studies, Graduate School of Tourism.
1999 10. 11 The Peace Hall is completed.
1999 10. 10 Kyung Hee University co-hosts the 1999 Seoul International Conference of NGOs.
1999 10. 01 The Multimedia Education Building is opened on the Suwon Campus.
1999 09. 20 Twelve volumes of the Encyclopedia of Oriental Medicine are published.
1999 05. 18 Kyung Hee University celebrates its 50th anniversary with a campus-wide festival.
1999 04. 26 The Asia-Pacific International Graduate School is completed.
1998 12. Kyung Hee Medical Center succeeds in the world's first human somatic cell cloning.
1998 02. 28 The Junior College of Hotel Management is incorporated as the college of Hotel Management.
1997 09. 01 The Suwon Campus's Philosopher's Square (Pens?es Plaza) is completed.
1997 04. 18 The Kyung Hee Astronomical Observatory is the first in the nation to discover a variable star, which is subsequently named the Kyung Hee Star.
1996 11. 14 Kyung Hee is authorized to establish the Asia-Pacific International Graduate School.
1996 10. 24 Dr. Young Seek Choue is awarded the UN Special Award of Meritorious Service for Peace.
1995 10. 18 Kyung Hee is authorized to establish the Graduate School of International Legal Affairs.
1995 02. 28 The Suwon Campus Central Library is completed.
1993 12. 10 Kyung Hee becomes the first educational institute to receive the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education.
1993 09. 04 Kyung Hee is authorized to establish the Graduate School of Physical Education.